I can’t stand realistic goals. I can’t stand them because who decides what “realistic” actually is? Who is the person who comes down and tells you, “You know what’s …
Are you spending too much time on tasks that are holding you back from your potential? Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, and Executive Business Coach Jessica Colston, MS, PCC, …
Is traditional behavioral finance missing the mark? Brian Portnoy, CFA, founder of Shaping Wealth, joins Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, to introduce “Behavioral Finance 2.0,” a fresh take that …
Generative AI is increasingly being used by knowledge workers—like financial advisors. In a recent episode of Facts vs Feelings, Carson’s Chief Strategy Officer Dani Fava noted that 78% of …
Workplace diversity is often focused on gender and ethnicity—like achieving balanced representation of men and women or reflecting the demographics of a firm’s local community or customer base. Yet …
Ever wondered why clients resist making financial decisions during life’s biggest changes? It’s by focusing on change management and behavioral finance strategies. Erin Wood, Senior Vice President of Financial …
Occam’s razor is a principle often ascribed to logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham. Essentially, it states that in most cases, the simplest option is usually the right …