
The Two Sides to Growth: Inorganic vs. Organic

Posted on December 4, 2020

As we near the end of the year, some advisors might scramble to cross off something from their to-do lists. The coronavirus pandemic sidetracked plans for 2020 – especially growth-related goals.

After a downward trend in mergers and acquisitions activity earlier this year, the number of deals are increasing, according to Jason Carver, Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions at Carson.

And it’s a trend that will continue into 2021 and beyond. Over the next 10 years, more than 115,000 advisors will retire, a Cerulli Associates report estimates. This represents more than one-third of advisors today.

Growth opportunities are increasing. What are you looking for?

This on-demand online conversation covers:

  • How to prioritize growth
  • How to attract the right M&A prospects
  • Differences between inorganic and organic growth
  • And more!

Fill out the form to watch the on-demand webinar at your convenience.